Communications Resources


CIFAR Boiler

Describing CIFAR in one sentence: CIFAR is a Canadian-based global research organization that convenes extraordinary minds to address the most important questions facing science and humanity.

Guidelines for Acknowledgement
In recognition of the support CIFAR provides you as a research program member, we ask that you acknowledge CIFAR where applicable.

CIFAR Affiliation
We encourage CIFAR Research Program members to utilize CIFAR as an affiliation in publications, written works and conference proceedings as follows:

  • CIFAR Innovation, Equity & The Future of Prosperity, CIFAR, Toronto, Canada

CIFAR Acknowledgement
Where appropriate we encourage CIFAR Research Program members to acknowledge CIFAR, with language such as:

  • Mary Smith is a CIFAR Fellow in the Innovation, Equity & The Future of Prosperity Program.
  • This research is based on work supported by CIFAR through a catalyst award.

CIFAR Research Program Member Titles
CIFAR encourages all CIFAR Research Program members to use their appropriate CIFAR title on personal websites, in email signatures, biographies and communications materials as follows:

  • CIFAR Advisor, Innovation, Equity & The Future of Prosperity
  • CIFAR Associate Fellow, Innovation, Equity & The Future of Prosperity
  • CIFAR Azrieli Global Scholar, Innovation, Equity & The Future of Prosperity [Year]
  • CIFAR Fellow, Innovation, Equity & The Future of Prosperity
  • CIFAR Program Co-Director, Innovation, Equity & The Future of Prosperity