Adversities, Development & New Interventions
Click on the registration button below to complete your registration. Complete by February 4, 2019.
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The Delegation of the Ismaili Imamat
199 Sussex Dr.
Ottawa, ON

Important Dates

March 27 - Participant Arrivals, group dinner at the Andaz Hotel  (6:30pm)
March 28 - Roundtable 8:30am - 5:00pm (aprox), departures follow


CIFAR will cover the cost of economy transportation to the meeting within the CIFAR Travel Policy guidelines.  Please make your own travel arrangements.  Accommodations will be booked for you as part of the registration process.  CIFAR does not pay a per diem, meals not provided during the meeting will be paid on submission of your expense claim form with receipts up to stated maximum limits.